Goals are an essential part of life of you ask me. I mean if you dont have goals how are you going to feel like your achieving anything in life. Surely its merely an existence without goals an wheres the fun in that.
If you could do anything and know that you could not fail, what would it be? Please......take a moment or two too think about this thing.
Some people may dream of doing a 3 hour marathon. Others may dream of that dream job. Whatever you do just make sure you have something that makes you want to get up every morning.
The late Steve jobs really hit the nail on the head for finding what you love. 14mins of genius here I have to say.
Hurdles, barriers, walls, problems whatever we want to call them they will always always be there in some way shape or form and you may be thinking, its all well an good wanting something but what about reality basically. I understand that thought process really I do. If you dont believe you can do it by all means carry with the boring day to day grind of Monday - Friday.
If you want more than anything to feel you have made it or been successful in your pursuits then know this..........FEAR...IS...NOT...REAL. That is right fear Is not real! It's just an illusion tricking you into not chasing your dream. Fear wants you to stay in the comfort zone. Of we are completely honest, what is REALLY stopping us? Time to shed our love of excuses don't you think.